Thursday, January 10, 2008

Please don't stare directly at the stupid. It only encourages them.

Welcome to Eye Abuse. We're your one-stop shop for all specimens of aesthetic assault, be it terrible fashion faux-pas, obvious rape of the English language, or other examples featuring rampant Internet stupidity. Plus, we'll have more snarky commentary than you can shake a stick at.*

In the coming weeks and months, we'll be posting pictures, videos, links--whatever we can find-- that all have a common thread: things so stupid it hurts to look at them.

We'll need your help in this as the stupid are plentiful and know no bounds. We can't possibly document it all, but with your assistance we can try!

*Please don't shake sticks at us. It's so very threatening!

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1 comment:

Lauren said...

Man, i don't know about you, but i'm really excited about this site.