Thursday, January 10, 2008

Indy and the Keys to the Emoticons

A week ago, Vanity Fair published an indepth look at the upcoming film "Indiana Jones and the Keys to the Kingdom." Like the rest of the population, we here at Eye Abuse are very excited about the film, and we were even more thrilled by the beautiful Annie Leibovitz photos. However, a dark cloud made its way over the magazine with this:

No one outside of the filmmakers will know for sure until May 22, but it would be pretty cool if it turns out that Emperor Palpatine had dropped a crystal skull on Earth. Or maybe one was left behind by the skinny dudes from Close Encounters of the Third Kind. Or maybe it’s, like, E.T.’s cell phone. :)

The Vanity Fair staff fooled us all into thinking they run a fine, upstanding magazine. One ridiculous emoticon later completely blew their cover. The magazine is actually run by my 12-year-old niece and her BFF. WTG, girls!

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