Tuesday, January 22, 2008

On not asking where your Craigslist items have been


I'm not even totally sure this post needs commentary. There are some words that are just intrinsically gross. Sticky is one. Moist is another. Rancid, mucous, intestinal parasite, etc. It doesn't take an advertising degree to understand that you want people to have a positive feeling when they're looking at an ad for something to purchase.

But Craigslist attracts a special breed of person. People who can't take their ghetto parasols that barely work to a freaking thrift store like anyone else (who didn't just chuck them) would.

I'm currently looking for someone who's selling a rancid, moist towel covered in mucous-soaked intestinal parasites (for who could just give away such an obviously valuable treasure). It's out there, I know it is. I'll of course share it here when I find it!

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