Monday, February 4, 2008

Literally literary ignorance

The retail company Woolworths has recently withdrawn their "Lolita" furniture line from store shelves. The line, which includes bedroom furniture intended for little girls, was nixed due to many complaints about the rather inappropriate name.

Lolita Furniture

The person who thought this was a good idea is seriously disturbed. They've clearly never read the novel. Or even better, were they aware of what they were doing and thought it was clever or tongue in cheek? "It's petit and alluring furniture, why not name it after someone who was known to be petit and alluring? Brilliant!"

That's like brand name of artificial legs called Captain Ahab. They could go a step further and make bedspreads emblazoned with scarlet letters. How about starting with "A"?

Also, very nice use of the word "literally," Ms. Hanly, but I think you're being pretty optimistic there. We both know that depraved minds could think of something even tackier and more tasteless.

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